WMBC’s After School Bike Clubs are thriving. We have many elementary school clubs, a middle school club, a girl specific club: Flying Squirrels, and a robust partnership with Vamos Outdoors Project serving grades K-12.
If you don't see your school listed below - no problem! Contact youth@wmbcmtb.org and we'll get you plugged in.
These programs reach out to kids of all abilities and gives them an opportunity to learn about safely riding bikes on single track trails with their peers. Many continue on to become avid riders with their friends or form their own ride groups from this program.
We have trained Ride Leaders who complete an annual background check with WASP and are first aid/CPR certified. Our clubs reach out to all abilities and ages in our community.
Most groups ride once per week during the spring and fall. Groups typically meet at the Samish parking lot and ride single track trails that are ability appropriate for the individual groups.
*Any student can sign up for any club*