Want to hold an event, ongoing program, or commercial photo/video shoot on Galbraith Mountain?
Please fill out the following forms. Email info@wmbcmtb.org with any questions about events on Galbraith. For more information about the City of Bellingham Park Facility Rentals, visit the City's website.
Important Information about Holding an Event or Filming on Galbraith
You need to submit a City of Bellingham Park Special Request Application for review.
Submit your request 60 or more days prior to the event date to ensure all required paperwork is processed.
Your completed form will be sent to WMBC for approval prior to the City of Bellingham Parks & Recreation Department’s review and processing.
Upon receiving permission from both WMBC and the City of Bellingham Parks & Recreation Department, the user must submit the $50 review fee.
Any filming on Galbraith Mountain also requires a Park Special Request Application.
Users must submit required Insurance documents to the City a minimum of 30 day before the event date.
The City requires that you provide a Certificate of Insurance with a Certificate of Liability in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence:
The certificate must name the City of Bellingham as additional insured and must include this statement:“The City of Bellingham, its officers, employees, elected officials, agents, and volunteers are additional insured. Coverage is primary and non-contributory with a waiver of subrogation.”
The certificate must also have the following separate endorsements:
Names the City of Bellingham as additional insured and include the above statement
Primary and non-contributory
Waiver of Subrogation
Automobile Insurance (if using vehicles on-site)
Certificate Holder
City of Bellingham 210 Lottie St. Bellingham, WA 98225